ABSTRACT. Lima dos Santos, C.A.M. [Fish borne diseases in Brazil]. Doenças transmitidas por pescado no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 32(4):234-241, 2010. Rua Cel. Eurico de Souza Gomes Filho, 510/cob 01, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22620-320, Brasil, E-mail: dossantoscarlos@globo.com This study presents qualitative and quantitative data on fish borne diseases in Brazil covering from 1983 to 2010. The article covers infectious diseases caused by bacteria, virus, and parasites, as well as intoxications caused by bacteria, biotoxins and chemical contaminants. Among the food borne diseases, the resulting information shows a serious lack of epidemiological data on fish borne diseases in Brazil. Limited available data indicates that, in contrast with other food borne diseases (transmitted by meat, poultry, dairy and other food); fish borne diseases would have a different etiological picture: intoxications would be more common than infectious diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria. Intoxications caused by biotoxins (DSP and tetradotoxin) and botulism followed by parasitic ictiozoonoses (diphyllobothriasis and fagicolosis) would be those fish borne diseases that deserve a higher prevention and control effort.