ABSTRACT. Pinheiro, R.R. & Santa Rosa, J. [Clinical symptoms, haematological and pathological disorders in goats intoxicated experimentally with Ipomoea asarifolia (salsa)]. Intoxicação experimental por Ipomoea asarifolia (salsa) em caprinos: achados clínicos, hematológicos e anátomo-patológicos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 32(3):139-145, 2010. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Caprinos-Embrapa, Estrada Sobral-Groaíras, km 4, Sobral, CE 62011-970, Brasil. Email: rizaldo@cnpc.embrapa.br The Ipomoea asariffoilia is a native plant in Northeast of Brazil which goats eat during dry period and lacking of food. In this paper, it described the clinical symptoms, haematological and pathological disorders and vital functions in goats intoxicated experimentally with I. asarifolia. Fourteen animals with age between 9-10 months, breeding SRD was utilized and separated into 3 groups. In group I and II contained 5 animals each and group III (control) 4 animals. In group I goats received 0.5% of I. asarifolia dry material (live weight/kilogram) each day until death. In group II was given the same quantity for 5 days after appearance of intoxication symptoms. In control group, the animals received elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum). The clinical symptoms observed after 24 hours were head swing to side, muscle tremble, loss of equilibrium, excitation, groan, decubit lateral and prostation. All the goats in group I died with intoxicated symptoms and group II only 2 animals. Three goats that survived were recuperated by day 24. It concluded that an I. asarifolia is a toxic plant for goats with progressive symptoms when there is a continuous administration of that plant.