ABSTRACT. Lopes L.B., Haddad J.P.A., Rodrigues R.O. & Leite R.C. [Effect of bovine viral diarrhea serological profile on reproductive index in dairy cows]. Efeito do perfil sorológico para diarréia viral bovina em índices reprodutivos de rebanhos leiteiros. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 32(3):133-138, 2010. Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, Avenida das Itaúbas 3257, Setor Comercial, Sinop, MT 78550-194, Brasil. E-mail: luciano.lopes@embrapa.br Some infectious diseases are potentially capable to compromise the viability of an economically sustainable milk production system. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the relationship between bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) seropositivity status in 240 comercial herds and reprodutive losses. To quantify the effects of BVD virus infection in reproduction performance, the variables were included on multiple generalizaded linear models. In agreement with the results in this study, there was a decrease of the number of doses for conception and of the number of dry cows in the positive herds. Presence of antibodies induced by natural infection demonstrated to be a protector factor against reproductive losses showing the importance of the herd immunity effect.