ABSTRACT. Machado-Santos C., Zeca S.G., Abidu-Figueiredo M., Sartori F. & Sales, A. [Histological aspects of tongue of the Caiman latirostris (broad-snouted caiman) (Daudin, 1802)]. Aspectos histológicos da língua do Jacaré-de-papo-amarelo Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802). Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 32(3):178-181, 2010. Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. BR 465 km 7. Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. Email: claricemachado@yahoo.com.br The aim of this study was to determine the histological features of the tongue of Caiman latirostris. The dorsal region of the tongue showed a keratinized stratified pavement epithelium. This epithelium and the connective tissue formed projections that are distributed on the dorsal surface of the tongue, called papillae lingual, like the filiform papillae. The lamina propria deeply within each papilla, being composed of a dense connective tissue not modeled, lymphoid nodules, blood vessels and nerves. There wasn’t observed the presence of mucous or serous salivary glands. The submucosa was a clearly demarcated region with a large amount of fat tissue and the striated skeletal muscle. The morphology of the tongue in C. latirostris differs from that found in other reptiles by the presence of keratinized epithelium, the presence of filiform papillae and absence taste buds, therefore, perhaps the main function of the tongue is related to assist in chewing and swallowing of food, reflecting a correlation between morphology and conditions of habitat where this animal lives.