ABSTRACT. Muniz Neta E. de S., Sampaio D.C., Galvão G. da S. & Munhoz A.D. [Cryptosporidium oocysts (Apicomplexa: Criptosporidiidae) in dairy cattle of an endemic area at microregion of Ilheus-Itabuna in the State of Bahia, Brazil]. Oocistos de Cryptosporidium (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae) em bovinos leiteiros de uma área endêmica na microrregião de Ilhéus-Itabuna, Estado da Bahia, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 32(2):75-78, 2010. Laboratório de Análises Clínicas Veterinárias, Departamento de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Rodovia Ilhéus-Itabuna, Km 16, Salobrinho, Ilhéus, BA 45650-000, Brasil. E-mail: munhoz@uesc.br The aim of this study was to verify the presence of oocysts of the genus Cryptosporidium in dairy cows at Municipalities of Ilheus and Uruçuca in the State of Bahia, Brazil, in order to determine the predisposing factors and to evaluate the relationship between parasitic overload, age and clinical signs. Eleven dairy farms were selected in own benefit, in which places, fecal samples of 156 animals were collected and were distinguished in groups in accordance of animals age. The centrifugal-flotation with Phase Contrast and Ziehl-Neelsen techniques were used to visualize and to identify the oocysts. The statistical analysis was performed by using the Qui-square (c2 ) with Yates’ correction and the Fishers exact test. All rural properties were positive. In a total of 156 animals studied, 136 (87.2%) were positive. Among these, 9 (6.6%) animals had scours. There was no statistically significant association among gender, age and breeding, such as management. Young animals excreted more oocysts than the adult ones. Cryptosporidium oocysts were observed in the feces of animals independent of the management used in each analyzed farm. The studied region was considered as endemic for such parasitosis without clinical signs where they were considered as carriers.