ABSTRACT. Nascimento R.M., Scherer P.O., Palhano H.B., Barbosa C.G. & Abidu-Figueiredo M. [Origin and antimeric distribution of the ischiatic nerves in newborns goats of the Saanen breed]. Origem e distribuição antimérica dos nervos isquiáticos em caprinos recém-natos da raça Saanen. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 33(3):177-183, 2011. Departamento de Biologia Animal, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. Email: marceloabidu@gmail.com The origin and distribution of the ischiatic nerves at both sides were studied in 30 newborns goats of the Saanen breed, being 20 males and 10 females. These specimens were collected after natural death of the animals and submitted to fixation in a 10% formaldehyde solution. In males the ischiatic nerves arose from the ventral branch of the sixth lumbar, the first and second sacral spinal nerves in 16 animals (80%). In four (20%) animals the ischiatic nerves arose from the ventral branch of the sixth lumbar and the first sacral spinal nerves in both sides. In females the ischiatic nerves arose from the ventral branch of the sixth lumbar, the first and second sacral spinal nerves in seven animals (70%). In two (20%) animals the ischiatic nerves arose from the ventral branch of the sixth lumbar and the first sacral spinal nerves, and in only one(10%) animal the ischiatic nerves arose from the ventral branch of the first and second sacral spinal nerves in both sides. In all animals, the right and left ischiatic nerves gave off differents branches to the muscles gluteus medius, gluteus profundus, gluteobiceps, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscles. There were no significant differences among the frequencies of origin of the isquiatic nerves in both sexes and sides. There were no significant differences among the frequencies of muscular branches of the ischiatic nerves emitted to the right and left sides, but significant differences were observed between the frequency of muscular branches of the sciatic nerves between the sexes where the frequencies were significantly higher in males(P<0.05).