ABSTRACT. Veiga C.C.P., Scott F.B., Botteon P.T.L., Comendouros K., Correia T.R., Fernandes, J.I. & Azevedo F.D. [Dopplervelocimetric evaluation of the abdominal aorta, cranial mesenteric and ileocecocolica in horses]. Avaliação dopplervelocimétrica das artérias aorta abdominal, mesentérica cranial e ileocecocólica em equinos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 33(3):142-146, 2011. Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: radiovet@ufrrj.br This work aimed to evaluate changes on blood flow due to parasitism of Strongylus vulgaris in the aorta, cranial mesenteric and ileocecocolic artery by ultrasound Doppler. Ultrasound Doppler allowed assessment of the hemodynamic blood flow from aorta and cranial mesenteric artery. On Dopplervelocimetric evaluation of aorta, the increases of: peak systolic velocity (Vmax), media velocity (Vmedia), gradient of pressure, and relationship of systolic and diastolic velocity (S/D) showed a increase resistance of blood flow in abnormal ultrasound group (C/A). The increase in blood flow volume on aorta may be related to the increase in pressure gradient. The reduction of resistive index (IR) in the C/A group indicates lesions in the arterial wall due to destruction of elastic fibers. Dopplervelocimetric evaluation in cranial mesenteric artery permitted only to observed increases on Vmedia, thats indicates increased blood flow resistance in C/A group. The IR, pulsatility index (IP) and S/D of cranial mesenteric artery in C/A group was reduced indicating lesions in the arterial wall, caused by verminotic arteritis. Color Doppler ultrasound allowed identifies the blood flow changes on ileocecocolic artery aneurysms.