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Subcutaneous nodular miyasis
organic management

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Florião, M. M., Fraga, M. E., Borja, G. E. M., Tassinari, W., & Fajardo, R. S. L. (2011). CORPORAL MAPPING ABOUT THE PRESENCE OF Dermatobia hominis LARVAE (LINNAEUS JR., 1781) (DIPTERA: CUTEREBRIDAE) IN ORGANIC DAIRY CATTLE. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 33(1), 23–28. Retrieved from


ABSTRACT. Florião M.M., Fraga M.E., Moya-Borja G.E., Tassinari W. & Farjardo R.S.L. [Corporal mapping about the presence of Dermatobia hominis larvae (Linneaus JR., 1781) (Díptera: Cuterebridae) in organic dairy catle]. Mapeamento corporal quanto a presença de larvas de Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus JR., 1781) (Díptera: Cuterebridae) em bovinocultura leiteira orgânica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 33(1):23-28, 2011. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 km 07, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil.E-mail: Data on the infestation by larvae of D. hominis in dairy cattle under organic farming system are scarce or lacking. This study aimed to provide information on this important parasitic skin disease within a farm organic, verifying the location and distribution of larvae on the body surface of cattle, to determine the frequency of infestation in relation to sex, age and coat color. The herd consisted of 40 crossbred dairy until ½ Zebu x European blood, divided into lots of young and adult animals. Inspection was carried out fortnightly (mapping for the presence of larvae and clinical assessment) in the period September 2009 to February 2010 in the “Fazendinha Agroecológica KM 47”. Results showed significant prevalence of parasitism in females of the herd, the males had a higher number of nodules on the right side, where the right posterior superior region was the most infested. In females the highest number of nodules concentrated on the left side and left anterior superior (RAES). The degree of infestation of adult animals was significantly higher than in young animals, the group of calves and heifers in milk was the least infested by larva D. hominis, the two groups of young animals infested the region was the RAES, in the adult group the next most infested was the RADS, the coat with the highest rate of infestation was painted white to black while the fur that had the lowest infestation was the red and brown hues typical light and dark. Thus one can say that the ideal animal in this herd are the brown-haired, sex can be a factor that prevents or promotes the infection. One can not say that there is influence of the external right-lateral decubitus position on the body infected.

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