ABSTRACT. Abreu R.L. de, Godoy R.L.O., Santos I.F., Pacheco S. & Souza R.S. [Comparation of the meat of wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) in relation to the one of other species in what it refers to the hydroxyproline.] Comparação da carne de javali (Sus scrofa scrofa) em relação à de outras espécies no que tange a hidroxiprolina. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 33(1):58-60, 2011. Departamento de Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: robsonlopesabreu@uol.com.br Hydroxyproline is exclusive not essential amino acid of the colagen. The objective of this study was comparativily to explain the soft of the meat of wild boar to the one of other species considering itself it hydroxyproline concentration. One studied Longissimus muscles dorsi (LD) and Infraspinatus (IE) of six wild boars. Samples had been collected at three moments (before the entrance of the refrigerating chamber - 12 and 360h) after bleeding and kept cooled. The used standard was trans-4-Hydroxy-L-Proline, Sigma. The procedures of analysis in CLAE (Waters 2695) with fluorescence detector (Waters 474) had been carried through in the Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos. The samples had been hydrolyzed during 24h to 110o C in acid clorídrico 6M in blister stamped to the vacuum. After that one moved to volumetric balloon (50mL), was centrifugalized and an aliquot one of 50 μL was kept in desiccator (24h). The samples had been reconstituted (20mM of HCl) and preceded it derivatization with 6- aminoquinolyl-N-succinimidyl carbamate (AQC). After 1 minute of reaction was placed in greenhouse to 55o C during 10 minutes, after which if preceded the chromatographic analysis. The results observed in the present work had been: 261.4 μg.g-1 in muscle “LD”; 343 μg.g-1 in “IE” and 302.2 μg.g-1 in wild boar (general), considering average it of these muscles. The concentration in hydroxyproline in muscle “LD” of bovine is 1030 μg.g-1 of sample; in turtle meat (female, 814 μg.g-1 and males, 728 μg.g-1 of sample). One evidences that: the concentration in muscle “IE” of wild boar was higher in 31.2% in relation to the “LD”; in muscle “LD” of bovine higher in relation to the one of wild boar was 294%. In relation to the concentration of hydroxyproline in turtle one evidenced that: for females he was higher in 169.3%, and for males, in 58.5% when compared with the wild boar meat (general). One concludes that: “LD” of wild boar is softer than “IE” and “LD” of bovine; the wild boar meat (general) is softer than of turtle.