Efficiency of Beauveria bassiana Commercial Formulation in control of Rhipicephalus microplus under laboratory conditions
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Cattle ticks
biological control
mineral oil
enthomopatogenic fungi

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Perinotto, W. M. de S., Angelo, I. da C., Gôlo, P. S., Camargo, M. G., de Sá, F. A., Monteiro, C. M. de O., … Bittencourt, V. R. E. P. (2012). Efficiency of Beauveria bassiana Commercial Formulation in control of Rhipicephalus microplus under laboratory conditions. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 34(Supl.1), 95–101. Retrieved from https://bjvm.org.br/BJVM/article/view/762


ABSTRACT. Perinotto W.M.S., Angelo I.C., Gôlo P.S., Camargo M.G., de Sá F.A., Monteiro C.M.O., Coutinho-Rodrigues C.J.B., Quinelato S., Marciano A.F. & Bittencourt V. R.E.P. [Efficiency of Beauveria bassiana Commercial Formulation in control of Rhipicephalus microplus under laboratory conditions]. Eficiência de uma formulação comercial de Beauveria bassiana no controle de Rhipicephalus microplus em condições laboratoriais. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 34(Supl. 1):95-101, 2012. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23897-970, Brasil. E-mail: vaniabit@ufrrj.br Rhipicephalus microplus is an ectoparasite that owns both veterinary and economical importance. The control of this ectoparasite is made mainly with chemical products, that when used indiscriminately result in the development of resistant strains as well as environmental and animal products contamination. Fungal formulations have became an alternative method increasingly viable to control ticks. Accordingly, the present study aimed test the effectiveness of Boveril® WP (Wettable Powder) on R. microplus eggs, larvae and engorged females, using both different formulations (water and oil-based) and different conidial concentrations. The effect of Boveril®on engorged females was evaluated based on the following biological parameters: weight of eggs, egg production index and nutritional index. Nine groups, with ten repetitions each, were formed: aqueous control (CTR), oil (OL) CTR 0.5%, OL CTR 10%, aqueous Boveril®(Bb) 107 , OL Bb 107 0.5%, OL Bb 107 10%, aqueous Bb 108 , OL Bb 108 0.5% and OL Bb 108 10%. Females, eggs or larvae were immersed in one ml of conidial suspention for 3 minutes. Obtained results showed that the commercial product was effective on all R. microplus ticks stages, although the higher conidial concentration and the higher oil percentage have yielded the best results. Therefore, R. microplus eggs, larvae and engorged females are susceptible to Boveril®. This is the first report on the efficacy of a comercial product (Boveril®) to control R. microplus ticks.

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