ABSTRACT. da Veiga C.C.P., de Oliveira, P.C., Ferreira A.M.R., Azevedo F.D., Vieira S.L. & Paiva M.G. de A. [Dioctophimosis in pregnant uterus in dog - Case report.] Dioctofimose em útero gravídico em cão - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 34(3):188-191, 2012. Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: radiovet@ufrrj.br Dioctophyma renale (Goez, 1782) is a nematode parasite of worldwide occurrence that the kidneys and can be found in the peritoneal cavity and other organs of the dog and in other species of domestic and wild animals, including man. D. renale is the largest nematode parasite of dogs. It usually affects one kidney, usually the right. The study aimed to describe the sonographic findings of a pregnant bitch where he was shown the presence of D. renale inside the gestational sac next to the fetus. It was evident irregularity in the contour of the parasite and increased cellularity in amniotic fluid in the bag only gestational involved. Such changes suggest death of the parasite. The fetus had gestational age calculated by biparietal diameter of 52 ± 3 days, good motility, heart rate between 220 and 240 bpm (normal) and compatible development with the remaining fetuses. Conclude that the D. renale although most found in the right kidney of dogs may also inhabit the womb. His presence was not enough to cause fetal death, malformation or minor development.