ABSTRACT. Serra-Freire N.M., Batalla L.A.L. & Julca-Lozano R. [Mutagenic occurrence in male of Amblyomma (Cernyomma) extraoculatum (Linnaeus, 1766) from forest environment in Peru - Case report.] Malformação em gonandro de Amblyomma (Cernyomma) extraoculatum recolhido em Geochelone denticulata (Linnaeus, 1766) de ambiente silvestre no Peru - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 34(1):31-34, 2012. Laboratório de Ixodides, Referência Nacional para Vetores das Riquétsias, UNIG, FioCruz, Av. Brasil, 4365, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21040-360, Brasil. E-mail: nmsf@ioc.fiocruz.br Parasitological material collected in research activity on vertebrate parasitic fauna at Lima, Peru, ticks were found attached on the carapace, plastron, and skin of tortoises. A total of 28 ticks, eight females and 20 males, were removed manually from the hosts and they were classified as Amblyomma (Cernyomma) extraoculatum. One of the males had a malformation in the opisthosoma which was antisymitric with five festoons on the left side and, on the right side, the fifth decorative festoon was trapeziform, the first and second festoons were normal, but the third and fourth ones were short, very broad and partially divided into two sections in each of them. This is the first report of this malformation in A. (C.) extraoculatum in Peru.