ABSTRACT. Medeiros L.F.D., Vieira D.H., Passos N.C., Patrício P.M.P., de Souza D.C., da Costa E.C.X., Yogui E.K. & da Fonseca M.V. [Study of the crossbreed kids growth in the State of Rio de Janeiro]. Estudo do crescimento de cabritos mestiços na região metropolitana no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 34(1):35-46, 2012. Departamento de Reprodução e Avaliação Animal, Instituto de Zootecnia, UFRRJ, BR 465 km 07, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brasil. E-mail: diasmedeiros@yahoo.com.br Nighty ½ Saanen + ½ Alpine, ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Saanen and ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Alpine, were used to compare the growth of goats raised in a semi-intensive system. Average weights at birth were 3.80kg for ½ Saanen + ½ Alpine, 4.07kg for ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Saanen and 4.02kg for ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Alpine. Average weights at weaning at 84 days of age were 15.15, 16.15 and 15.99kg for ½ Saanen + ½ Alpine, ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Saanen and ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Alpine, respectively. Average weights at slaughter at 168 days of age were 24.71kg for ½ Saanen + ½ Alpine, 26.47kg for ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Saanen and 26.19kg for ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Alpine. There was a significative difference (P<0.05) between the genetic groups, respecting to weights, in all the study stages (birth weights, weaning and slaughter). The birth weights, at weaning and at slaughter were significant influenced (P<0.05) by the birth type and kids sex. Daily average weight gains until weaning were 135.12, 143.81 and 142.50g/day and in the post weaning period were 113.81, 122.86 and 121.43g/day, respectively, for ½ Saanen + ½ Alpine, ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Saanen and ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Alpine. High and positive correlation between birth weight and weaning weight (r = 0.832) and birth weight and weight gain until weaning (r = 0.847) were observed. Mortality rates observed from birth to weaning and from weaning to slaughter were, respectively, 5.9 and 3.5% for ½ Saanen + ½ Alpine, 6.3 and 2.5% for ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Saanen, and 6.8 and 2.0% for ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Alpine.