ABSTRACT. Scheffer J.P., Oliveira A.L.A., Markoski M., Antunes F., Atallah F.A., Monteiro G.A.S., Carvalho C.B. & Kalil R.A.K. [Induction of ischemic cardiomyopathy in experimental model mini pig]. Indução da miocardiopatia isquêmica em modelo experimental mini porco. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 35(Supl. 1):45-48, 2013. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Avenida Alberto Lamego, 2000, CCTA, Sala 207-A, Parque California, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28013-602, Brasil. Email: jussarapeters@yahoo.com.br The progressive increase in the prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular disease is a public health problem of increasing interest, and the acute myocardial infarction the main condition of this group of diseases to be studied. Preclinical studies are most often performed with rats or mice, and only occasionally with larger animals like dog, in recent decades was developed the mini pig, as an alternative to pre-clinical models, due to its similarity with to the human species. With this research, we seek to up reviewing studies to demonstrate that the experimental mini pig model is an ideal model for model for preclinical studies in cardiology field. We used fifteen mini pigs of Minipig Br1 lineage, who have undergone to a ischemic cardiomyopathy model, by occlusion of the major diagonal coronary paraconal the efficacy of occlusion in the formation akinetic area was evaluated by echocardiographic examination, performed after surgery, where images were compared with the test performed before occlusion. The experimental mini pig model was adequate for performing preclinical studies, and the coronary occlusion technique, satisfactory to induce ischemic cardiomyopathy.