The development of an artificial lung prototype for use in dogs - experimental study
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carbon dioxide
blood gas analysis
membrane oxygenators
respiratory failure

How to Cite

da Costa, A. C., Albernaz, A. P., Scheffer, J. P., Atallah, F. A., Monteiro, G. A. S., Ramos, R. M., … Oliveira, A. L. de A. (2012). The development of an artificial lung prototype for use in dogs - experimental study. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 35(Supl.1), 1–11. Retrieved from


ABSTRACT. Costa A.C., Albernaz A.P., Scheffer J.P., Atallah F.A., Monteiro G.A.S., Ramos R.M., Silva S.J.Q. & Oliveira A.L.A. [The development of an artificial lung prototype for use in dogs - experimental study]. Desenvolvimento de um protótipo de pulmão artificial para uso em cães (Canis familiaris): Estudo experimental. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 35(Supl. 1):1-11, 2013. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, CCTA, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro,. Avenida Alberto Lamego, 2000, Sala 207-A, Parque California, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28013-602, Brasil. E-mail: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a condition increasingly diagnosed and treated in small animals. In those patients not responsive to conventional treatments extracorporeal oxygenation of the blood can be used, providing rest for the affected organ while waiting for the recovery of the original pathological process. However, despite being considered advanced and feasible in the treatment of dogs, this life support therapy is still in its initial phase. Despite its inherent complexity, Brazil is pioneering the use of this technique in dogs, while facing the obstacle of the high cost of treatment, especially of the membrane oxygenators, originally manufactured for use in humans. This experimental study developed an artificial lung prototype economically viable, easy to use and with results that may offer support in oxygenation and CO2 removal in veterinarian small patients. After the jugular venous access of six mongrel dogs (Canis famliaris), all adults and females, oxygenators were filled with venous blood through the cannula disposed in the upper side opening. Blood samples were collected at three different times: before the oxygenator was filled with blood at the same point of the blood entrance, immediately after completion and one minute after the blood being oxygenated, both collected in the lower side opening. The parameters evaluated were hematocrit, blood gases and lactate. The results demonstrated that there was a hemodilution of the samples due to the use of heparinized crystalloid prime solution, promoting a decrease of the parameters pH, tCO2 , HCO3 - , BE and lactate. However, the significant increase in the pO2 and sO2 showed blood oxygenation capacity of the apparatus, as well as decreased pCO2 values. The proposed artificial lung was feasible for oxygenation and removal of CO2 from the venous blood, using a volume of 5 liters of O2 per minute at 100% FiO2.

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