Limitations on the use of antibiogram in the treatment and control of mastitis in dairy farms
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Antimicrobial sensitivity

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Barros, J. P. N., Lopes, L. V., Lima, D. M., Estevan, I. P., Oliveira, Ângela, & Botteon, R. de C. C. M. (2013). Limitations on the use of antibiogram in the treatment and control of mastitis in dairy farms. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 35(3), 212–216. Retrieved from


ABSTRACT. Barros J.P.N., Lopes L.V., Lima D.M., Estevan I.P., Oliveira A. & Botteon R. de C.C.M. [Limitations on the use of antibiogram in the treatment and control of mastitis in dairy farms]. Limitações ao uso do antibiograma no tratamento e controle das mastites na rotina das propriedades leiteiras. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 35(3):212-216, 2013. Programa de Pós-Gradução em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. Email: In three properties consisting of 65, 81 and 105 dairy cows were identified, respectively, 15, 18 and 11 quarters with clinical mastitis. The antimastitic formulations available locally were recorded and samples of milk from mammary quarters with clinical mastitis were sent for culture and sensitivity. Seventeen antimastitic products were available in five shops. Gentamicin was detected in five products, cefoperazone in four of them and sodic penicillin in two others. According to laboratories surveyed, four of them not analyzed samples from animals and two of them asked about most often isolated agents and antibiotics to be tested. In the only laboratory that performs the tests routinely each sample would be processed for R$ 38 and its results would be available within 14 days. The tests would cost to owners A, B and C, respectively, R$ 570, R$ 684 and R$ 418, or 814, 977 and 577 liters of milk. For three consecutive applications using the most wanted drugs, the average cost per mammary quarter was R$ 18.30 or 26.1 liters of milk. Five cows have not recovered (11.4%). It concludes that although important for the choice of antibiotic to be used, the antibiogram is not feasible for the cost, delays and difficulties inherent to the technique.

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