ABSTRACT. Duarte E.R., de Almeida P.N.M., Freitas C.E.S., Abrão F.O., Ribeiro I.C. de O. & Vieria E.A. [Ruminal anaerobic fungi of dairy calve and cows feed with different tropical forages]. Fungos anaeróbios do rúmen de bezerras e vacas leiteiras alimentadas com diferentes volumosos tropicais. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 35(3):260-266, 2013. Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Universitária, 1000, Bairro Universitário, Montes Claros, MG 39400-006, Brasil. Email: duartevet@hotmail.com Anaerobic ruminal fungi are important for digestion of lignified plant fibers. This work aimed to evaluate the detection rate of these fungi in ruminal fluid of calves and dairy cows fed with different sources of tropical forages. Holstein animals were sampled, 30 cows fed sorghum silage, 30 cows fed on Brachiaria brizantha pasture, 12 calves supplemented with sorghum silage and 11 calves fed with chopped sugar cane. After puncture and collection of ruminal fluid, mycological direct exams of the samples were performed, using KOH for clarification and stained with methylene blue. The detection rate for dairy cows fed with sorghum silage was only 33.3%, while for the other groups corresponding to 100% of positive exams. Cows fed with sorghum silage had lower number of positive tests than those fed on B. brizantha (p <0.05). The fungal structures were thick, with multiple zoosporangia and bulbous rhizoids, suggestive of the genus Caecomyces.