ABSTRACT. Castelo-Branco P.S.M., Sena P., Souza S.A.L., Lopes F.P.P.L., da Fonseca L.M.B., Scherer P.O. & Gutfilen B. [Early diagnosis of pulmonary metastasis: comparison between conventional radiography and 99mTc-Thymine scintigraphy in a bitch with breast tumor - Case report.] Diagnóstico precoce de metástase pulmonar: comparação entre a radiografia convencional e a cintilografia com Timina-99mTc em cadela com tumor de mama - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária 35(3):267-271, 2013. Universidade Estácio de Sá, Estrada Boca do Mato 850, Vargem Pequena, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22783-320, Brasil. E-mail: p.castelobranco@ig.com.br Conventional radiography is a very useful method for evaluation of thoracic metastasis in Timina-99mTc patients with mammary adenocarcinoma. In the meantime tiny metastasis are generally not visualized, producing misdiagnosis, which interferes in the correct therapeutic conduct. Scintigraphy with 99mTc-Thymine for oncologic evaluation is very sensitive in detecting metastasis in thorax, even in traineeships not detected by conventional techniques. In this study the diagnosis of metastasis of mammary adenocarcinoma in thorax by conventional X-ray and 99mTc-Thymine were compared. It was noticed that pulmonary metastatsis diagnosis was carried out earlier in the first examination of nuclear medicine, while the conventional X-ray in a first examination did not detect the pulmonary neoplasma. An interval of 3 months passed until a second X-ray could notice it.. According to this result we suggest that 99mTc-Thymine scintigraphy implementation should be considered to oncologic patients with mammary adenocarcinoma.