ABSTRACT. Silva C.D.C., Nascimento Junior R.S., Paredes L.J., Roos T.B. & Almeida M.B. [Characterization of second skin intention healing process in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis).] Caracterização do processo de cicatrização cutânea por segunda intenção em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis). Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 36(3):301- 306, 2014. Instituto de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus Castanhal, Av. dos Universitários, s/n, Jaderlândia, Castanhal, PA 68746-360, Brasil. E-mail: begeres@yahoo.com.br The skin healing is a complex process that starts at the time of injury and can be influenced by many factors related to the animal and environment. The objective was to demonstrate the characteristics of secondary intention skin healing in Bubalus bubalis, comparing it to the cattle. Was Biopsied of buffaloes and cattle skin and left to heal by secondary intention, being accompanied by macroscopic and microscopic aspects during the process. Macroscopically, bacterial contamination, characterized by purulent exudate was most evident in cattle, compared to buffaloes. Microscopy confirmed this aspect when showed a neutrophilic infiltrate more intense and persistent that species. The Masson’s Trichrome staining showed that fibroplasia progressed similarly in both species. The average size of the wounds was significantly lower (p <0.05) from the 14th day in the buffaloes, with healing occurred soon as this species.