ABSTRACT. Vasconcellos M., Diniz V.S., Silva P.C., Schanaider A. & Ferreira M.L. [Expectation of post-surgical quality of life in advanced oral neoplasms in domestic cats: case studies.] Expectativa da qualidade de vida pós-cirúrgica nas neoplasias orais avançadas em felinos domésticos: estudo de casos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária 38(4):323-328, 2016. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Av. Farroupilha, 8001, Prédio 60, Bairro São José, Canoas, RS 92425-900, Brasil. E-mail: tinevet@terra.com.br
The management in advanced oral cancer in cats is a challenge in veterinary medicine. Several factors, such as tumor aggressiveness, difficulty in oral reconstruction, low response to chemotherapy and limited access to radiotherapy have contributed to a short survival of time. The postoperative tumor recurrence constitutes a major cause of death. The objective of this contribution is to verify the validity of the total mandibulectomy as the only therapeutic modality with evolutionary presentation of some surgical cases. As a result, after this procedure in these animals, was observed a worsening in the quality of survival. It was concluded that this unique surgical procedure alone is not effective in the treatment of observed animals.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Marcel Vasconcellos, Victor Senna Diniz, Alberto Schanaider, Paulo César Silva, Manoel Luiz Ferreira