ABSTRACT. Silva S.T.G., Souto R.J.C., Lima E.H.F., Silva N.A.A., Dantas A.C., Costa N.A., Coutinho L.T. & Afonso J.A.B. [Clinical-epidemiological study of cases of dorsal patellar fixation in cattle.] Estudo clínico-epidemiológico dos casos de fixação dorsal de patela em bovinos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 36(1):45-48, 2014. Clínica de Bovinos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Campus Garanhuns, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Caixa Postal 152, Bairro Boa Vista, Garanhuns, PE 55292-270, Brasil. E-mail: afonsojab@oi.com.br Unilateral or bilateral dorsal fixation of the patella is a frequent syndrome in cattle, affecting animals of both sexes and different ages. The aim of the present clinical-epidemiological study was to perform a retrospective analysis of clinical cases of bovine dorsal patellar fixation treated during routine clinical practice. Among a total of 5296 bovine´s examinations, 57 cases of patella fixation were diagnosed, predominantly 95% affecting females (n = 54), with only three cases occurring in males (5%). A greater frequency of cases occurred in animals over three years of age. Regarding the number of births, there was a greater occurrence of cases during the second birth (44%). Semi-intensive cattle-raising systems accounted for 31 cases (60%), extensive systems accounted for 15 cases (29%) and intensive systems accounted for six cases (11%). Forty-one cases (72%) occurred in summer and 16 (28%) occurred in winter. Twenty-eight animals (49%) were affected in the right hind leg, 19 (33%) were affected in the left hind leg and 10 (18%) were affected in both hind legs. The constant occurrence of this condition in clinical practice implies economic losses if satisfactory treatment measures are not taken.