Calcinosis circunscripta in a cat - Case report
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How to Cite

Lopes, N. L., Peixoto, A. de P., & Pinto, T. G. . (2016). Calcinosis circunscripta in a cat - Case report. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 38(4), 341–344. Retrieved from


Calcinosis circumscripta is a rare focal deposition of minerals in the subcutaneous tissue of cats. The etiology and pathogenesis are unknown, but its occurrence on cats has been associated with kidney disease and the use of progestogens. When no cause can be attributed it is considered idiopathic with no history of any disease, trauma or injection. Diagnosis is made by histopathology and the treatment of choice is surgical excision. The aim of this study is to report a case of idiopathic calcinosis circumscripta in a short Brazilian hair feline who was attended at the Hospital Veterinário of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro and had lesions in whitish plaque in the flank region. Histopathological examination diagnosed calcinosis circumscripta and the patient was referred for surgical excision, but this was not carried out for personal reasons of the owner. It concludes that the histopathology associated with the animal’s history and physical examinations are essential for the diagnosis. It was also possible to demonstrate the importance of the patient’s history as well as laboratory and imaging tests in an attempt to elucidate the cause of the reported disorder.

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