ABSTRACT. Franca T.N., Costa S.Z.R., Peixoto T. da C., Nogueira V.A., d’Avila M.S., Mascarenhas M.B. & Peixoto P.V. [Tracheopathia osteochondroplastica in dogs - Case report.] Traqueopatia osteocondroplástica em cães - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária 38(Supl.1):75-78, 2016. Departamento de Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: ticianafranca19@gmail.com The tracheopathia osteochondroplastica is a rare condition in people, and in animals has been reported only in Korea and the USA. In humans this disease is often asymptomatic. The present study describes this disorder in two dogs. Grossly, small, rounded, firm and whitish nodules with approximately 0.2 cm in diameter was observed in the wall of the trachea. Histopathological examination reveals foci of proliferation of cartilaginous tissue with mineralization areas in the submucosa of the trachea.