Occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in Psittacines, kept in Ecologial Parkes in the metropolitan area of Salvador, Bahia
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Ayres, M. C. C., Peixoto, M. S. R., da Silva, W. B., Gomes, D. M., Nunes, O. C., Borges, K. B., … de Almeida, M. A. O. (2016). Occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in Psittacines, kept in Ecologial Parkes in the metropolitan area of Salvador, Bahia. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 38(2), 133–136. Retrieved from https://bjvm.org.br/BJVM/article/view/225


ABSTRACT. Ayres M.C.C., Peixoto M.S.R., da Silva W.B., Gomes D.M., Nunes O.C., Borges K.B., de Moraes Neto M.A. & de Almeida M.A.O. [Occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in Psittacines, kept in Ecologial Parkes in the metropolitan area of Salvador, Bahia.] Ocorrência de parasitos gastrintestinais em Psitacídeos, mantidos em Parques Ecológicos na região metropolitana de Salvador, Estado da Bahia. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veteriná- ria, 38(2):133-136, 2016. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal nos Trópicos, Escola de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Avenida Adhemar de Barros, 500, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: ayresmcc@gmail.com This study evaluated the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in 53 psittacines created in Ecological Parks around Salvador, Bahia. The places chosen for the experiment were: Wild Animal Screening Center Chico Mendes (CETAS), Park and Haras D’Amato and Park Zoobotânico GetulioVargas. The samples were analyzed at the Laboratory of Parasitic diseases of animals at the Universidade Federal da Bahia through the method of Willis-Mollay. Of analyzed samples 39,62% (21/53) were negative and 60.38% (32/53) positive. The following parasites were found: Capillaria spp. (31.25% - 10/32);. Ascaridia sp. (65.62% - 21/32) and Heterakis sp. (25% - 8/32). Considering that the positive samples 21.87% (7/32) was obtained from birds with mixed infections. It is necessary to carry out monitoring of the health of these birds, mostly for riding assessments.

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