ABSTRACT. Souza C.C.F. & Medeiros M.A. [Risk factors and co-ocurrence with other behavioral disorders in domestic dogs with exaggerated fear of sounds.] Fatores de risco e transtornos comportamentais concomitantes em cães de companhia com medo exagerado a sons. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(Supl.2):175-182, 2016. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Campus Universitá- rio, Seropédica, RJ 23897-970, Brasil. Email: magda.medeiros@gmail.com An online questionnaire containing 26 questions, with 350 responses collected between June and August 2016, was used to investigate the risk factors and co-occurrence of other behavioral changes in dogs with exaggerated fear of sounds. The general characteristics of dogs and tutors, the quality of the relationship between dogs and tutors; behavioral parameters of fear, concomitant behavioral disorders, the onset of fear and the possible triggering events were evaluated. Most of the dogs were female, castrated, adult, SRD, with origin from street rescue or donation, with good affective relationship and obedience with their tutors. The most frequent concomitant behavioral disorders were separation anxiety, agitation, excessive vocalization and aggressiveness, where 32.9% of dogs had 3 or more behavioral disorders simultaneously. The sounds most marked as the cause of fear were fireworks, thunder and alarms and sirens, where 23.4% of the dogs were afraid of 3 or more sounds. The most intense behavioral responses observed by tutors were trembling, hiding, and panting. The quality of the relationship between dogs and tutors and the dogs obedience were related to the occurrence of some concomitant behavioral disorders. Research on the prevalence, risk factors of behavioral disorders in dogs, as well as their consequences on the relationship between tutors and dog and on family well-being are fundamental for the understanding of these behavioral changes as well as for the development of therapeutic and preventive approaches.