ABSTRACT. Freitas R.A., Silva B.R.S.A., Athar C.V.A., Marinho J.P.M., Veiga C.C.P. & Paiva J.P. [Staging of chronic kidney disease in domestic dogs with chronic valve disease.] Estadiamento da doença renal crônica em cães domésticos com doença valvar crônica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(Supl.2):31-39, 2016. Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brasil. E-mail: rosefreitas@ufrrj.br Heart failure causes, short or long term, in loss of kidney ability to maintain homeostasis. This interrelation of mutual injury, called cardiorenal syndrome, is already widely studied in medicine, however, there are few studies in veterinary, making it necessary to increased attention on the issue given that both diseases are the most common cause of death in geriatric dogs. The aim of the study was to determine the occurrence of chronic kidney disease in dogs with chronic valve disease through laboratory tests and imaging exams; staging and substaging them according to the International Renal Interest Society. In total 23 dogs participated in the study males and females of various ages, with echocardiographic diagnosis of chronic valve disease. All of these dogs after being staged in the degree of valve disease (stages B1, B2 and C), underwent clinical assessment of renal function with subsequent collection of biological samples (blood and urine), imaging exam (ultrasound) and measurement of blood pressure systolic systemic aiming to investigate previous renal injury. In this study were not include dogs in stage A (pre-arranged) and D stage (in treatment) because as inclusion criterion that the existence of valve degeneration and absence of drug use that were to interfere with the kidney function and /or perfusion. The results obtained, showed that females were more affected than males; the poodle was the breed with most diagnostic of chronic valve disease and that in stage 1 of chronic kidney disease was present in most dogs (15/23) in different stages of chronic valve disease. When these dogs were substaged as the degree of proteinuria, it could be seen that this was present mostly in dogs in stage C of chronic valve disease. The risk of injury in target organ after the measurement of the systemic systolic blood pressure, it was noted that regardless of the stage of chronic valve disease, the dogs of this study were in the majority in minimal risk of developing target organ damage. The predominance of dogs in stage C with chronic kidney disease, can be explained by the deficit in renal perfusion secondary to reduced cardiac output. It can be concluded through this study that chronic kidney disease is a common finding in dogs with chronic valve disease.