Radiographic findings in dogs from an endemic area for heartworm disease in the state of Rio de Janeiro


radiography, pulmonary artery, parasitosis, image diagnosis, heartworm disease.

How to Cite

Lima, N. da C., de Paula, M. A. S., Mattos, R. B., Soares, D. do V., Silva, G. P., & Alberigi, B. (2025). Radiographic findings in dogs from an endemic area for heartworm disease in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 46, e008324.


Canine heartworm disease causes significant pulmonary abnormalities, even in asymptomatic cases. This study aimed to compare the chest radiographs of cases infected with Dirofilaria immitis with those of heartworm-negative dogs. Fifteen animals treated at a private veterinary clinic in the municipality of Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, underwent chest radiography, regardless of their serological status, for the presence of D. immitis antigen, and none of them used preventive measures. Eight dogs tested positive for the antigens on immunochromatographic tests (8/15, 53.3%). When the radiographs of the two groups of dogs were blindly compared, the increase in the caudal pulmonary arteries showed a strong positive correlation (0.732) with infection using the Spearman correlation test. These results suggest that heartworm infection, even in the absence of clinical signs, elicits caudal lobar pulmonary artery enlargement that can be detected on radiography


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Nathália da Conceição Lima, Mel Andrade Souza de Paula, Rebeca Bhering Mattos, Denise do Valle Soares, Giovanna Pestana Silva, Bruno Alberigi