Clostridium perfringens alpha toxin (CPA) is an important enterotoxemic pathogen linked to gastrointestinal disorders and previously associated with pulmonary disease in other mammals. A young female neotropical otter presented with lethargy, anorexia and steatorrhea, which developed within 24 hours. Veterinary care was provided under anesthesia, during which dehydration, intestinal hypermotility and pulmonary crackling sounds were identified. Hematological tests revealed normochromic normocytic anemia, and a quantitative RT-PCR assay for Clostridium perfringens alpha toxin detected a markedly elevated CPA count (43,789 copies of pathogen DNA/uL) in fecal samples, confirming the diagnosis. An abdominal ultrasound exhibited intestinal gas and mucous fecal contents, with normal wall stratification and evolving peristalsis. Chest X-rays and bronchoscopy revealed diffuse serous secretion associated with an underlying inflammatory process, predominantly affecting the left lung. Treatment included hydroelectrolyte replacement, analgesia, antibiotics, and antiemetics, with close monitoring during the critical stage. The patient improved gradually, with regression of clinical signs and the emergence of innate behaviors, and was discharged to the original enclosure after two weeks, supported by updated test results. In conclusion, this study analyzes and details the veterinary approach, diagnosis, and treatment of an acute infectious enteric condition with pulmonary involvement in a neotropical otter under human care.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Beatriz Araujo dos Santos, Bruna Emely Pereira Barbosa, Arthur Carlos da Trindade Alves, Bernardo de Paula Miranda, Gabrielly Ferreira Santos, Daniel de Almeida Balthazar