Although less common in the axial skeleton, osteosarcoma, when present in the facial bones, can generally require invasive surgical procedures, which require large resections followed by reconstructions that can disfigure the patient and predispose them to physiological difficulties. We describe a technique used to correct oronasal communication that occurred after suture dehiscence from a left central hemimaxillectomy procedure in a female Rottweiler diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Clinical and radiographic findings are discussed, as well as the palatal mucosal flap surgical technique associated with the use of a synthetic polypropylene mesh. The patient was monitored for a period of six months, when close monitoring of the healing of the surgical wound was possible with adequate incorporation of the mesh into the local tissue. Although a small part of the flap showed dehiscence, there was no aspiration of food due to the presence of the polypropylene mesh under the affected region. The non-rejection of the implant, good acceptance and good eating capacity of the patient, which resulted in weight gain, must be emphasized. We concluded that the combination of techniques presented here is a technically easy, low-cost and efficient option for the proposed treatment.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fabiano Luiz Dulce de Oliveira, Sylvia Cristina Silva de Azevedo, Valesca Oliveira de Sousa, Carlos Henrique Teles dos Santos, Maria Eduarda Pereira Coelho, Stéfany Freitas Teixeira Silva, Ticiana do Nascimento França