Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine by protozoa of the genus Giardia, which has a wide range of susceptible hosts, including domestic and wild animals and humans. Giardia is a zoonotic agent and represents one of the main human parasites, with high prevalence and great importance in public health. This report aims to describe the parasitism of a non-captive Chital deer (Axis axis) by Giardia duodenalis. The animal, after being rescued by soldiers from the 2nd Platoon of the 2nd Company of the 2nd Battalion of the Environmental Military Police of the State of Santa Catarina, was sent to the Wildlife Studies Center (NEVS) of the University of Western Santa Catarina (UNOESC). During clinical care, an exposed fracture in the left pelvic limb and signs of acute respiratory failure were found. Fecal samples were collected for later parasitological diagnosis. Two techniques were applied: centrifugal flotation with zinc sulfate, to diagnose parasites of the gastrointestinal system, and Baermann, to search for parasitism in the respiratory tract. The investigation revealed the presence of Giardia duodenalis. The animal died on the same day of its arrival due to a cardiorespiratory arrest. The presence of this parasite in an invasive exotic deer species highlights its epidemiological importance, as it can act as a source of infection and spread the disease to humans and other animals.
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