Antimicrobial therapy approaches in the mastitis control driven by one health insights


dairy production, WHO, superbugs, mastitis.

How to Cite

de Souza, M. M. S., Dubenczuk, F. C., Melo, D. A., Holmström, T. C. N., Mendes, M. B., Reinoso, E. B., … Coelho, I. S. (2024). Antimicrobial therapy approaches in the mastitis control driven by one health insights. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 46, e002624.


The use of antimicrobials in the dairy production environment for mastitis control must take etiology, clinical signs, economic impacts, and regulatory frameworks into consideration. The objective of the present review is to highlight important aspects of the dynamics of antimicrobial use in dairy production and the potential impacts on the main pathogens circulating in this environment, considering the parameters set by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the priority of monitoring as well as control strategies for these agents, such as the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus and the beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli. Understanding the animal-environment-pathogen triad is crucial for establishing control measures and preventing the spread of bacterial resistance. Implementing mastitis prevention and control measures in dairy farms, considering process flow and personnel qualification, enables a reduction in antimicrobial usage and contributes to prevent the spread of resistant bacterial agents in the dairy production environment, minimizing the relapses and the chronicity of the infectious process.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Miliane Moreira Soares de Souza, Felipe Carlos Dubenczuk, Dayanne Araújo Melo, Thérèsse Camille Nascimento Holmström, Marcela Barlette Mendes, Elina Beatriz Reinoso, Shana Mattos Oliveira Coelho, Irene Silva Coelho