Wild cats play an important role as top predators in the food chain and act as ecosystem regulators. However, in recent decades, many studies have demonstrated the potential effects of parasitic diseases on wild carnivore populations, including cats. This study reports on the endoparasites found in an injured and rescued specimen of Leopardus pardalis in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Fecal samples were collected and processed using five coproparasitological techniques: a simple flotation centrifugation, a zinc sulfate flotation centrifugation, a formalin-ether sedimentation centrifugation, a conical centrifuge tube technique, and a modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique for fecal smears. Helminth eggs belonging to the families Trichuridae and Diphyllobothriidae and the genus Toxocara were found in both sedimentation flotation techniques. Protozoan oocysts belonging to the genus Cryptosporidium were identified by modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining. These findings show that ocelots can harbor potentially zoonotic and pathogenic endoparasites. Further studies on the helminths and protofauna of these animals are necessary.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriela Pereira Salça de Almeida, So Yin Nak, Gabriel Alcides Capucho, Brena Gava Guimarães, Diefrey Ribeiro Campos, Debora Azevedo Borges, Daniel de Almeida Balthazar, Thais Ribeiro Correia