Gasless laparoscopic renal biopsy in canine cadavers: a preclinical study


laparoscopy, gasless, kidneys, biopsy, ex vivo.

How to Cite

Milech, V., Antunes, B. N., Caye, P., Hartmann, H. F., Linhares, M. T., Cadiñanos, V. da S., … Brun, M. V. (2023). Gasless laparoscopic renal biopsy in canine cadavers: a preclinical study. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 45, e000523.


In this study we aimed to analyze the feasibility of the gasless renal biopsy technique in canine cadavers. The cadavers were randomly divided into two groups: laparoscopic GCG, in which gasless laparoscopy was performed and GCP, laparoscopy with pneumoperitoneum was performed. The procedures were randomly performed on the right and left kidneys. The total surgical time, procedural steps, and intraoperative complications were recorded. The degree of difficulty of the surgical approaches was evaluated by the surgeon, assistant, and external evaluators. Renal samples were evaluated for quality, number of glomeruli, and proportion of renal cortex. The total operative time was higher in the GCG group than in the GCP group (p < 0.01). Additionally, positioning of the second portal and platform positioning took longer than the other steps. The surgical groups differed from each other in the Likert scale values for almost all the parameters regarding the difficulty of the surgical approaches (p < 0.05), with higher scores in the GCG group than in the GCP group. Based on the video recordings, the GCP group had higher scores than the GCG group for degrees of difficulty of the approach (p < 0.05). Renal histological parameters were similar between the surgical groups and surgical sides. Our study findings indicate that the proposed gasless renal biopsy technique is feasible. The longer operative time and technical difficulties in the gasless approach did not affect the quality of the renal specimens.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Vanessa Milech, Bernardo Nascimento Antunes, Pâmela Caye, Hellen Fialho Hartmann, Marcella Teixeira Linhares, Vinícius da Silva Cadiñanos, Thiago Rodrigues da Cunha, Helena Castro Diniz, Maurício Veloso Brun