Coendou spinosus is a species of rodent popularly known as porcupine, it has a great ability to adapt to different habitats and is found in tropical forests in countries such as Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela and Guianas. This mammal has already been identified as a reservoir of several pathogenic agents for humans and other animals and has a variety of ectoparasites, endoparasites and hemoparasites little studied and described. Due to this, the objective was to report the parasitism by Eutrichophilus cercolabes in C. spinosus in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. In total, 16 lice were found, one male and 15 females of the species. This is the first report of the parasitism of this Phthiraptera on C. spinosus in Rio Grande do Sul. The scarcity of reports on the taxonomy and biotic characteristics, as well as the vector capacity of pathogens of most species of ectoparasites of wild animals, highlights the need for further studies on the distribution of these arthropods in different regions and host species.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Julia Somavilla Lignon, Diego Moscarelli Pinto, Rafael Almeida Fighera, Silvia Gonzalez Monteiro