Eurytrematosis in cattle in southern Espírito Santo State, Brazil – case report


Eurytrema coelomaticum, epidemiology, pancreas.

How to Cite

Santos, R. de P., Cardoso, C. A., Miranda, M. P. B., de Oliveira, E. V., Marin, J. F. V., Sperandio, N. do C., … Martins, I. V. F. (2023). Eurytrematosis in cattle in southern Espírito Santo State, Brazil – case report. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 45, e002023.


This work reports an outbreak of eurytrematosis in cattle in the municipality of Ibitirama, southern Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Six cattle were necropsied from August to December 2019, with finding of Eurytrema coelomaticum in the pancreas. A survey of epidemiological data was carried out on the farms along with coproparasitological examination of cattle from the same herd. Parasites were found in all necropsied animals, with different degrees of parasitism, ranging from mild to massive infection (6 – 2000 specimens). Macroscopic analyses of the pancreas revealed changes in 83.33% (5/6) of the cases, and by microscopy, pancreatic fibrosis ranging from Grade I to Grade III was observed. Inspection of the grazing areas confirmed the presence of two intermediate hosts, a terrestrial snail of the Bradybaena genus, with larval forms of the trematode in histological findings, and a grasshopper of the Conocephalus genus. Although none of the cattle showed clinical signs in the coproparasitological examination, 73.80% (31/42) tested positive for E. coelomaticum eggs. This is the first record of an outbreak of eurytrematosis in cattle in Espírito Santo State, indicating the importance of carrying out diagnosis based on epidemiology and necroscopic and parasitological examinations in animals in the region so that appropriate control measures can be adopted.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Renata de Paula Santos, Caio Alves Cardoso, Marcos Paulo Brinati Miranda, Eduardo Vargas de Oliveira, Júlio Francisco Valiati Marin, Natânia do Carmo Sperandio, Louisiane de Carvalho Nunes, Isabella Vilhena Freire Martins