Sporotrichosis is the most prevalent subcutaneous mycosis in Latin America and is an important zoonosis in expansion throughout all the brazilian territory. Domestic cats are highly susceptible to the disease and play an important role in the spread of the agent to both other animals and humans. Sporothrix brasiliensis, the predominant species in the country, has greater virulence and some isolates also showed resistance to azoles, the class of antifungals of choice for treatment. Because it is a long-duration treatment, of high cost, and oral use, sick animals are often abandoned, which contributes to the spread and permanence of the infection as an important public health problem. Therefore, new therapeutic alternatives or adjuncts to treatment with antifungals may contribute to combating this zoonotic agent. In this work we describe the result of the treatment with laser therapy of eight Sporothrix spp infected cats. Our findings show the efficacy of the laser treatment even in different clinical forms. This technique has the potential to decrease the time length and costs of conventional treatment as well as the improvement of the treatment results.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Daniella Souther Carvalho Ribeiro, Luana Jordão Machado, Jéssica Gomes Pereira, Andrea Regina de Souza Baptista, Elisabeth Martins da Silva da Rocha