Pyothorax caused by Nocardia sp. in a cat – Case report


nocardiosis, dyspnea, pleural effusion, retrovirus.

How to Cite

Intrieri, J. de M., de Almeida, G. P. S., Bonfim, I. V., Miranda, F. R. ., Reis, A. A. L., Nak , S. Y., … Campos, D. R. (2023). Pyothorax caused by Nocardia sp. in a cat – Case report . Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 45, e005522.


Nocardiosis is an infection caused by ubiquitous opportunistic bacteria and is rare in felines. In retrospective studies of the infection in the species, pyothorax was found in only about 5% of the cases described, with the most frequent forms being cutaneous and subcutaneous. This report describes Nocardia spp. as an etiologic agent of pyothorax in a feline leukemia virus (FeLV)-positive female cat. A 10-year-old female mixed-breed cat, positive for FeLV, with chronic kidney disease IRIS stage 2, was examined with a severe dyspneic onset, suspected of pleural effusion. It also had skin lesions in the interscapular region. The patient underwent thoracentesis, and a dense, creamy, fetid, and flocculated liquid was collected. Radiography was performed after draining the pleural fluid, which showed images suggestive of atelectasis of the left lung lobes and pneumonia. The collected material was sent for analysis, which found that it was a septic exudate. In addition, it was referred for bacterial culture in a special medium due to suspicion of nocardiosis. Long-term treatment with amoxicillin + clavulanic acid resolved the clinical case.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Juliana de Moraes Intrieri, Gabriela Pereira Salça de Almeida, Isabelle Vilela Bonfim, Fernando Rocha Miranda, Andressa Aparecida Lima Reis, So Yin Nak , Gabriele Bernardo do Amaral, Mario Mendes Bonci, Diefrey Ribeiro Campos