Isolated dextrocardia with situs solitus in a dog - case report


echocardiography, electrocardiography, dextrocardia.

How to Cite

de Abreu, C. R., Paulo, M. R., Andretta , A. L. de S., & Baroncini , L. A. V. (2022). Isolated dextrocardia with situs solitus in a dog - case report . Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 44, e000622.


Dextrocardia with situs solitus is a rare disorder caused by embryological malformation. It may be asymptomatic and overlooked when isolated, or when it presents with different symptoms and clinical signs associated with other cardiac and extracardiac malformations. The present article describes the radiologic, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic findings of a Pitbull dog with isolated dextrocardia and situs solitus.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Cris Rangel de Abreu, Maicon Roberto Paulo, Ana Luiza de Souza Andretta , Liz Andréa Villela Baroncini