Cunean tenectomy associated with neurolytic perineural infiltration in the treatment of tarsal osteoarthritis in horse - Case report.
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cunean tendon
chemical neurolysis

How to Cite

Escodro, P. B., Silva, J. D. de L., do Nascimento, T. G., Notomi, M. K., Mariz, T. M. de A., & Tonholo, J. (2016). Cunean tenectomy associated with neurolytic perineural infiltration in the treatment of tarsal osteoarthritis in horse - Case report. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 38(3), 238–242. Retrieved from


ABSTRACT. Escodro P.B., Silva J.deD.L., do Nascimento T.G., Notomi M.K., Mariz A. & Tonholo J. [Cunean tenectomy associated with neurolytic perineural infiltration in the treatment of tarsal osteoarthritis in horse - Case report.] Tenectomia cuneana associada à infiltração perineural neurolítica no tratamento de osteoartrite társica de equino - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(3):238-242, 2016. Grupo de Pesquisa e Extensão em Equí- deos, Unidade de Ensino Viçosa, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Fazenda São Luis s/n, Viçosa, AL 57700-000, Brasil. E-mail: The tarsal osteoarthritis (TOA) is a form of ankylosing proliferative arthritis, may also be referred to “bone spavin”, being a major cause of lameness in the hindlimbs of horses. Treatments aimed at alleviating the pain and discomfort, because the TOA is considered a degenerative disease, ranging from the use of conservative treatments such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), intra-articular corticosteroid injections, administration of glycosaminoglycans and changes in handling and shoeing; to surgical procedures such as arthroscopy and cunean tenectomy, and in more severe cases arthrodesis is indicated. Although the medical and surgical treatment of OAT results in temporary improvement of claudication, approximately 50% of treated horses with lameness and remain unable to exercise athletic functions previously performed. The aim of this study was to report the case of a horse of Mangalarga Marchador breed with TOA, which did not respond to medical treatment with anti-inflammatory and glycosaminoglycans and underwent cunean tenectomy and perineural infiltration of neurolytic ethanol composition ( with required patent in Brazil and overseas) in the tibial and fibular nerves after prove the nonoccurrence of proprioceptive deficits during the anesthetic block. The animal does not exteriorized pain or lameness during twelve months, keeping active and not show deficits in locomotion. The cunean tenectomy associated with perineural infiltration of neurolytic ethanol composition appeared as satisfactory therapeutic option. From the report, raises the need for more research on the use of neurolytic therapy in the nerves of pelvic member associated to cunean tenectomy for the treatment of TOA.

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