Sialometaplasia necrotizing in dog - Case report.
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How to Cite

Barboza, S. R., Braga, L. da S. F., Maestri, L. F. de P., Monteiro, B. S., Rassele, A. C., dos Santos, R. V., … Gava, M. G. (2016). Sialometaplasia necrotizing in dog - Case report. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 38(3), 214–216. Retrieved from


ABSTRACT. Barboza S.R., Braga L.S.F., Maestri L.F. de P., Monteiro B.S., Rassele A.C., Santos R.V., Vicente G. de C. & Gava M.G. [Sialometaplasia necrotizing in dog - Case report.] Sialometaplasia necrotizante em cão - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(3):214-216, 2016. Setor de Clínica Médica de Animais de Pequeno Porte e Patologia Animal, Universidade Vila Velha, Avenida Comissário José Dantas de Melo, 21, Boa Vista, Vila Velha, ES 29102-920, Brasil. E-mail: The sialometaplasia is a rare disease of unknown cause in dogs and cats, which usually affects the submandibular salivary gland, caused by trauma, physical-chemical or biological attack in blood vessels that can produce ischemic changes, causing necrosis, scaly inflammation and metaplasia of glandular epithelium and ducts. Animals affected by sialometaplasia necrotizing show pain, an increase in salivary glands and regional lymphadenopathy. Ultrasonography associated with biopsy of the affected tissue are effective in diagnosing the disease. The treatment is surgical and symptomatic. In this study, we tried to report the case of a half-breed dog, 6 years old, who presented the symptoms and histopathological diagnosis of necrotizing sialometaplasia.

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