Tubular adenocarcinoma with scammable differentiation areas in feline prepuce (Feliscatus): a clinic-surgical, pathological and therapeutical approach report


Neoplasia, urethral obstruction, cat

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de Souza Campos, A. C., Prado, L. C., Lopes Fernandes, M. E. dos S. ., Vidal Júnior, A. W. M., Bastos, M. J., Oliveira , M. C. ., & de Souza, H. J. M. (2019). Tubular adenocarcinoma with scammable differentiation areas in feline prepuce (Feliscatus): a clinic-surgical, pathological and therapeutical approach report. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 41(1), e101319. https://doi.org/10.29374/2527-2179.bjvm101319


Adenocarcinomas are malignant epithelial neoplasms of glandular nature and have been reported in many organs of companion animals including the lungs, thyroid, prostate, mammary glands, gallbladder, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, and intestine. In felines, reports of such neoplasms in the genitalia and associated glands are very rare and have a reserved prognosis. There are no reports in the veterinary literature describing this type of neoplasia affecting the foreskin of cats. Cytological analysis and histopathological evaluation of incisional or excisional biopsy samples can confirm the diagnosis of preputial neoplasms. The gold standard treatment consists of surgical excision of the neoplasm. In the present report, a 16-year-old male Brazilian shorthair feline was referred to the Surgical Clinic service of the Companion Animal Veterinary Hospital of UFRRJ, with a major complaint of increased volume and ulceration in the preputial and penile region with slow growth. The animal experienced dysuria, urinary retention, and pollakiuria. It had a history of recurrent urinary obstructions and urolithiasis. A penile urethrostomy was performed, and the mass was histopathologically and microbiologically analyzed due to a suspicion of fungal or neoplastic involvement. Histopathological examination showed the presence of tubular adenocarcinomas. Chemotherapy treatment was suggested in the immediate postoperative period, but it was not performed per the owner’s request. One year after the foreskin resection and creation of a new urethral stoma, a new mass was found in the perineal region, and the animal died one week later.


